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Archive posts tagged 'stereolithography'. Return to blog home.

Prototyping Technologies for 3D Printing: SLA vs. FDM

Posted On October 22, 2019 By Steve Konick
See how these two 3D printing technologies stack up for prototype parts. Understanding the advantages of each will help accelerate design.
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3D Printing for Microfluidics

Posted On July 16, 2019 By China Metal Parts
The 3D printing process, stereolithography, builds parts with detailed features and smooth surfaces— making it suitable for microfluidic fabrication.
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Replace Metal with Plastic to Save Weight, Cost

Posted On April 14, 2017 By Tony Holtz
To decrease weight and potentially cost, you can replace metal with plastic on certain parts.
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Stereolithography: Sorting Out Surface Finishes

Posted On April 14, 2017 By Tony Holtz
Four stereolithography finishing options available at China Metal Parts, and when to use each.
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