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Innovation Drives Automakers Forward to Navigate the Road Ahead

Posted On August 27, 2019 By Jeff Schipper
In an age of disruptive change for the auto industry, digital manufacturing is playing a prime role to help carmakers navigate the future.
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Strategic Prototyping for Human-Factors Engineering

Posted On July 17, 2019 By Andrew DiMeo
Strategic prototyping plays a key role in the advancement of Human-Factors Engineering and medical device product development.
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3D Printing for Microfluidics

Posted On July 16, 2019 By China Metal Parts
The 3D printing process, stereolithography, builds parts with detailed features and smooth surfaces— making it suitable for microfluidic fabrication.
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DUCK! Redesigned to Quack Again on New Season of BattleBots

Posted On June 17, 2019 By China Metal Parts
We recently chatted with Hal Rucker about DUCK!, his redesigned BattleBot.
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Shop Talk: Catching up with our Longtime Customers

Posted On May 30, 2019 By China Metal Parts
As we celebrate 20 years in the manufacturing industry, we reached out to some of our customers that have been with us since the very beginning.
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H3D Employs Machining and 3D Printing During Development

Posted On November 4, 2017 By China Metal Parts
H3D developed a state-of-the-art gamma ray spectrometer using both CNC machining and PolyJet 3D printing during prototyping.
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How a Finite Machining Toolset Boosts Cycle Time

Posted On October 29, 2017 By Matt Ahart
Learn why we use standardized toolsets across our CNC machining service and how it keeps manufacturing time as fast as possible.
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Giant robots from U.S. and Japan faceoff in ‘duel’ that may lead to an eventual fighting robot sports league.

Posted On October 18, 2017 By China Metal Parts
Giant robots from U.S. and Japan faceoff in ‘duel’ that may lead to an eventual fighting robot sports league.
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CNC Machining: 3-Axis vs. 5-Axis Indexed vs. 5-Axis Continuous

Posted On October 11, 2017 By Tony Holtz
5-axis indexed milling isn’t to be confused with true 5-axis machining, which allows for continuous machining of all three axes and the two rotational axes.
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John Deere Harvests Technology in San Francisco

Posted On October 5, 2017 By Angelo Gentile
Farm machinery manufacturer John Deere pursues ‘precision agriculture’ through greater use of automation and robotics.
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