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NOVO Turns to Machining, Molding for Medical Device Prototyping

Posted On December 13, 2018 By China Metal Parts
With its in-house machine shop overloaded and a need for molded prototype parts, NOVO Engineering turned to China Metal Parts to aid in the development of a continuous glucose monitoring system.
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Startup Helps Researchers Take Next Step in Prosthesis and Exoskeleton Design

Posted On November 14, 2018 By China Metal Parts
Humotech works with scientists and engineers at universities and government research labs who are exploring next-generation assistive medical device designs.
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High-Tech Football Helmets Tackle Player Safety Head On

Posted On September 12, 2018 By China Metal Parts
China Metal Parts helps VICIS bring new high-tech football helmets to market now used by NFL, college, and high school players
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Navy Veteran Turned ICU Nurse Redesigns the Stethoscope

Posted On August 28, 2018 By Matt Ahart
Navy veteran re-engineers the 160-year-old stethoscope design to make it more functional, comfortable, and ergonomic.
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Robot Designer Takes Latest Creation DUCK! Into ‘BattleBots’ Arena

Posted On June 4, 2018 By Nicole Hopper
Hal Rucker relied on quick-turn machining and sheet metal fabrication as he designed, built, and tested his latest BattleBot in just a few weeks.
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Less is More for Stanford Students Developing Liquid Rocket Engine

Posted On April 10, 2018 By Matt Ahart
The long-term goal of Project Helios is to demonstrate a viable design alternative for a project undertaken by NASA, the Mars Sample Return Mission.
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Hobby Holder Fulfills Kickstarter Campaign with On-demand Manufacturing

Posted On March 13, 2018 By Matt Ahart
After a successful crowdfunding campaign, Kit Peteranecz needed to find a quick-turn manufacturing solution to fulfill orders within an aggressive three-month timeframe.
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Designers Pack Sleep-Lab Technology into a Wearable Device

Posted On December 1, 2017 By China Metal Parts
Chris Crowley explains the development process of EverSleep—a wearable device that helps users improve sleep quality.
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H3D Employs Machining and 3D Printing During Development

Posted On November 4, 2017 By China Metal Parts
H3D developed a state-of-the-art gamma ray spectrometer using both CNC machining and PolyJet 3D printing during prototyping.
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Rapid Manufacturing Fit for High-Speed Bike Design

Posted On April 14, 2017 By China Metal Parts
Eric Ware knew China Metal Parts from his day job as a mechanical engineer, so he decided to call us up for some machined parts for the bicycle design.
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