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Archive posts tagged 'Injection Molding'. Return to blog home.

3D-Printed Molds vs. Aluminum Tooling

Posted On August 14, 2017 By China Metal Parts
Compare the pros and cons of molds that are 3D printed in plastic versus tooling that is milled from aluminum.
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Living Hinge Basics for Injection Molding

Posted On July 24, 2017 By Tony Holtz
These design guidelines will help you create durable living hinges that add functionality to your injection-molded parts and reduce manufacturing costs.
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A New Manufacturing Process at China Metal Parts: Insert Molding

Posted On May 30, 2017 By China Metal Parts
We’re excited to share the latest addition to our rapid injection molding service—insert molding.
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Injection Molding: Aluminum vs. Steel Tooling

Posted On May 30, 2017 By Tony Holtz
A comparison between aluminum and steel tooling for injection-molded parts.
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Navigating the Peaks and Valleys of the Product Life Cycle

Posted On April 17, 2017 By Will Martin
The strategic use of manufacturing tools can help companies scale up and down the mountain.
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The Characteristics of High-Temperature Thermoplastics

Posted On April 14, 2017 By Tony Holtz
High-performance materials can be molded to produce parts that can withstand extreme temperatures.
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4 Ways to Leverage Rapid Overmolding

Posted On April 14, 2017 By China Metal Parts
Rapid overmolding is new addition to China Metal Parts' injection molding services.
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New Silicone Rubber Materials

Posted On April 14, 2017 By Tony Holtz
The new additions to our silicone rubber materials have distinct elastic and optical advantages.
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Mitigating Production Risk with Prototypes

Posted On April 14, 2017 By Michael Corr
The Engineerist is a three-part blog series written by Michael Corr, founder of Los Angeles-based manufacturing consulting firm, DuroLabs. This is part one.
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Design Complex Components with Insert Molding

Posted On April 14, 2017 By Tony Holtz
Learn how insert molding can add functionality, strength, and complexity to plastic parts.
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