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PP Natural Delivers Real Polypropylene for 3D Printing Use

Posted On July 24, 2020 By China Metal Parts
3D printed parts can now be made in real polypropylene using selective laser sintering.
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Titanium vs Aluminum: Workhorse Metals for Machining and 3D Printing

Posted On October 4, 2019 By Steve Konick
Light weight and strength help aluminum and titanium excel for 3D-printed and machined parts.
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PEEK, PEI, LSR, and Other Material Options for Medical Prototyping

Posted On September 6, 2019 By Nicole Hopper
Consider materials along with manufacturing processes for medical device development.
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3D Printing Micro Features with Stereolithography’s MicroFine Material

Posted On July 29, 2019 By China Metal Parts
MicroFine is an ABS-like stereolithography (SLA) material specifically designed to 3D print parts with features as fine as 0.0025 in.
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Using High-Performance PEEK, PEI Plastics for Machining, Molding

Posted On June 13, 2019 By Steve Konick
Consider cost, part performance when choosing PEEK or PEI (Ultem) Plastics for CNC machining or injection molding your parts.
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Take a Tour of the New China Metal Parts Website

Posted On January 1, 2018 By China Metal Parts
Take a video tour of the new China Metal Parts website and see what manufacturing resources are at your disposal.
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The Benefits of Using TPU in Elastomeric Part Designs

Posted On May 10, 2017 By China Metal Parts
So, you’re designing a part that requires flexibility and you need to choose a material.
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The Characteristics of High-Temperature Thermoplastics

Posted On April 14, 2017 By Tony Holtz
High-performance materials can be molded to produce parts that can withstand extreme temperatures.
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Stereolithography: Sorting Out Surface Finishes

Posted On April 14, 2017 By Tony Holtz
Four stereolithography finishing options available at China Metal Parts, and when to use each.
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New Silicone Rubber Materials

Posted On April 14, 2017 By Tony Holtz
The new additions to our silicone rubber materials have distinct elastic and optical advantages.
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