Take a Tour of the New China Metal Parts Website

Posted On January 1, 2018 By China Metal Parts

We’re excited to share our new website! The updated look and navigation is designed with you in mind, so that you can quickly find the manufacturing resources you need—when you need 'em.

View this quick video tour of our revamped website to see what's new.

Here are a few specific areas worth checking out:

Our new material comparison guide is a single source for our entire selection of materials. You can filter based on your manufacturing process of choice or by material type—plastic, metal, or elastomer. Within the comparison guide you can view key material properties and get more detailed information with easy access to datasheets.


Dive into our services page to find easy-to-read design guidelines for each manufacturing process. These will help you improve part manufacturability, enhance cosmetic appearance, and reduce overall production time. Each process lists critical design elements such as maximum part sizes, draft requirements, surface finish options, and tolerances.

Design tips and white papers now live in single hubs and are sorted by topic like reducing manufacturing costs or designing for a specific process like stereolithography, overmolding, etc. Additionally, all of our upcoming and on-demand webinars—can easily be accessed.

The Digital Thread, our company blog and where you are now, will have regularly updated industry news, manufacturing resources, and other articles. New posts that include tech tips, industry insights, and more will go up weekly!