Meet the Judges: Andy MacInnis

Posted On April 14, 2017 By China Metal Parts

The Cool Idea Award judges are technologists, innovators, entrepreneurs, instructors, and some are even past Cool Idea Award recipients. All of our judges have a story worth sharing, so we sat down with each for a quick Q&A to help you get to know them a bit better.

image of Andy MacInnis
Andy MacInnis is a director at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Andy MacInnis is the technical instructor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He leads the Integrated Design & Management (IDM) track, which takes a hands-on and practical approach to design. Prior to his position at MIT, Andy founded Monster Prototype—a leading go-to model and prototype firm in the Boston area. At Monster Prototype, he consulted companies developing consumer products, medical devices, and footwear.

What are you looking forward to most about being a Cool Idea Award judge in 2017?
Seeing where inventors find the junction of Need and Solution.

Tell us about your background—what’s something about your professional life that we wouldn’t necessarily know by looking at your LinkedIn profile?
I find the challenge of repairing old things like cars, boats, houses, and bikes rewarding and worthwhile.

What’s the best piece of entrepreneurial or business advice you’ve received and how did it help you?
Determination beats education in business. Go and be successful just as you are.

What entrepreneurial or business advice would you give to budding entrepreneurs and startup companies?
Learn a bit about running a business (book keeping, contracts, etc.) but don’t wait till you know everything. Start something today.

What companies or individuals are breaking the mold when it comes to innovation? What are they doing differently than others?
Small shops and individuals are winning the innovation race because they don’t need to follow corporate rules and schedules.

What are the most valuable resources available for innovators, inventors, makers, etc.?
Other makers, and small business associations.

What qualities will you look for in a good Cool Idea Award applicant?
I look for DFV: desirability, feasibility, and viability. Is it cool, is it really doable, and will it make money.

What’s your all-time favorite product and why?
I’m fond of bicycles, specifically my dad’s 1970 RobinHood 3 speed. It’s comfortable, speedy enough, and bomb-proof reliable. What’s better than personal mobility that requires little attention? Pretty high cool factor, too.

image of Hush Technologies noise reduction ear plugs
Hush Technologies won the Cool Idea Award in 2015.

What’s your favorite Cool Idea Award-winning product and why?
It’s a draw between the Mist Labs water management system and the Hush Technologies ear plugs. With water becoming more valuable we need to use it more efficiently. My own hearing loss—due to race cars, music, and workshops—makes me want to turn back time and use better hearing protection from day one.

What’s the most random thing you’ve ever watched all the way through on Netflix?
I don’t have time for Netflix or other long term TV commitments, especially when they cost money.

Stay tuned for more one-on-one discussions with the Cool Idea Award judges. In the meantime, check out the Cool Idea Award website to learn more about our manufacturing service grant. If you have a project you’d like to submit for consideration, apply here.