Prototyping Engineered for an Aging Population

Posted On April 14, 2017 By China Metal Parts

The growth of our country’s aging population is perhaps the most powerful force shaping today’s economy and the outlook for medical device companies in particular. For instance, the bulk of baby boomers now are 70 or older, while the U.S. Census Bureau projects the 65-and-over U.S. population to double to nearly 84 million by 2050.

build better prototypes with China Metal Parts expert engineer

The ways that rapid manufacturing companies such as China Metal Parts can help med tech companies serve this aging population is the focus of a column by Rob Bodor, China Metal Parts’ VP and GM of the Chinas, in Med Device Online. Bodor’s column is the first in a four-part series, “Building Better Prototypes,” for the med tech website. 

Bodor’s current column covers factors that drive rapid manufacturing’s viability in the med tech space, and explores the various processes and materials that med-device companies should consider.

You can read the entire column here.