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2020: Agile Sourcing, Swift Pivots Helped Industry Fight COVID-19 Pandemic

Posted On December 7, 2020 By Steve Konick
In 2020, agile sourcing and swift pivots helped the manufacturing industry fight the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Consultative Design Analysis Prepares Parts for Production

Posted On October 22, 2020 By Nicole Hopper
Our new consultative design service addresses design feedback and gets your parts ready for manufacturability within our automated system.
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Advancements in Additive Tech Build Popularity within the Industry

Posted On October 9, 2020 By Nicole Hopper
Explore recent innovations in additive manufacturing, including new materials, technologies, and the world’s tallest 3D printed structure.
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Graduate to Production: Metal 3D Printing with Enhanced Post Processing and Quality Control

Posted On August 27, 2020 By Nicole Hopper
Graduate from prototype to production with post-process machining, powder analysis, heat treatment, and inspection reporting for metal 3D printing.
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Cleveland Clinic Device Saves PPE, Increases Patient Freedom

Posted On July 16, 2020 By Nicole Hopper
Inventors from Cleveland Clinic developed the High-Line to increase safety and freedom in the ICU, while reducing PPE use during this critical time.
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Product Innovations in the Face of a Pandemic

Posted On July 8, 2020 By Nicole Hopper
Throughout history innovators have flourished during crises, solving needs and shortages, and the current coronavirus pandemic is no different.
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Medical Manufacturing Speed, Agility Crucial During Pandemic

Posted On April 1, 2020 By Chris Stevens
As the medical industry faces unprecedented challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic, manufacturers are stepping up to help with supply chain disruption and shortages.
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3D Printing Industry Builds New Processes and Products in 2020

Posted On March 6, 2020 By Nicole Hopper
A skin sheet printer, recreated mummy vocal cords, and the world’s largest 3D-printed boat are a few additive manufacturing highlights so far in the new year.
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Medical Design Takes Center Stage at MD&M West

Posted On January 13, 2020 By Mollie O'Brien
The latest innovations in medical design and manufacturing to be showcased at MD&M West
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New System Allows Feeling of Touch from Thousands of Miles Away

Posted On December 10, 2019 By Nicole Hopper
Researchers at Northwestern University bring virtual reality one step closer to reality, allowing users to virtually hold hands or high five.
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