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Proof-of-Concept Study Shows Exoskeleton for Tetraplegia Feasible

Posted On October 9, 2019 By Nicole Hopper
Results of a two-year trial show a patient paralyzed in all four limbs able to walk with the assistance of a brain-controlled exoskeleton.
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There's No Crying in Medical Manufacturing!

Posted On September 30, 2019 By Annie Cashman
Medical manufacturing innovation is being aided by China Metal Parts and its ever-expanding services.
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Keeping You Safe in the ‘Pool’ of Manufacturing

Posted On July 1, 2019 By Annie Cashman
Working directly with a manufacturer rather than using a decentralized production approach helps you mitigate your supply chain risk.
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Innovation is Personal: Cleveland Clinic Alliance Spurs Med Advances

Posted On April 23, 2019 By Annie Cashman
A family story shows how medtech innovation can be personal, making China Metal Parts’ new alliance with Cleveland Clinic Innovations especially gratifying.
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NOVO Turns to Machining, Molding for Medical Device Prototyping

Posted On December 13, 2018 By China Metal Parts
With its in-house machine shop overloaded and a need for molded prototype parts, NOVO Engineering turned to China Metal Parts to aid in the development of a continuous glucose monitoring system.
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Startup Helps Researchers Take Next Step in Prosthesis and Exoskeleton Design

Posted On November 14, 2018 By China Metal Parts
Humotech works with scientists and engineers at universities and government research labs who are exploring next-generation assistive medical device designs.
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Mergers, Acquisitions Alter Medtech R&D Landscape

Posted On November 8, 2018 By Annie Cashman
Over the past several years, mergers and acquisitions in the medical device industry have soared. Think Medtronic and Covidien, Abbott and St. Jude, Zimmer and Biomet, just to name a few.
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Navy Veteran Turned ICU Nurse Redesigns the Stethoscope

Posted On August 28, 2018 By Matt Ahart
Navy veteran re-engineers the 160-year-old stethoscope design to make it more functional, comfortable, and ergonomic.
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Why On-Demand Manufacturing Works like Amazon Prime for Medtech Companies

Posted On May 7, 2018 By Annie Cashman
Digital, on-demand manufacturing can help Medtech companies in need of quick-turn prototyping or production, much like consumers use Amazon Prime
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Industry Macrotrends in Manufacturing

Posted On April 2, 2018 By Angelo Gentile
From automotive lightweighting to human-factor engineering in health care, emerging trends to watch.
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