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Trending: 5G Tech, Self-Sailing Boats, Electric Excavators, and More

Posted On April 17, 2019 By Angelo Gentile
5G technology, self-sailing boats, and electric excavators are just some of the many examples of how innovation drives success in a variety of industries.
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Custom Sheet Metal Parts: Adding a Finishing Touch

Posted On March 27, 2019 By Steve Konick
Whether you want to extend the life of your part, make it aesthetically pleasing, or ensure structural integrity of your assembly, it’s all about the finishing.
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Defining Your Part Before Designing Your Part

Posted On March 14, 2019 By China Metal Parts
When designing injection-molded parts, consider the parts’ function first; define your part before designing your part.
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Sheet Metal Laser Cutting for Added Precision

Posted On March 13, 2019 By Steve Konick
Lasers have emerged as prime production tools, bringing precision and strength as cutting methods for various metal manufacturing processes.
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Will the Promise of AR, VR Ever Become a Reality?

Posted On January 23, 2019 By China Metal Parts
Several recent examples of AR, VR usage show that these immersive technologies may finally be living up to their potential.
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How Do You Move 295 CNC Machines? Glad You Asked.

Posted On January 16, 2019 By China Metal Parts
As demand for machined parts continued to grow at China Metal Parts, we needed to expand our operations. Here's a look at how we scouted out a new location and executed a move of 295 CNC machines over five weeks.
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Automotive Trends: A 3D Printing Milestone, Flex Factories, Hyperloop Update

Posted On December 18, 2018 By China Metal Parts
Recent automotive industry trends include a 3D printing milestone, advances in hyperloop technology, and a move to more flexible factories.
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Pardon the Disruption: Feeding An On-demand Culture with Digital Manufacturing

Posted On December 17, 2018 By Vicki Holt
We live in an on-demand culture that expects instant access to products and services. It's no different in the world of manufacturing.
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Machining’s Growth Makes Reports of its Death an Exaggeration

Posted On November 13, 2018 By Judy Carmein
While 3D printing continues to establish its place in manufacturing, tech-enabled CNC machining has confirmed itself as a permanent fixture.
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How to Design 3D-Printed Living Hinges

Posted On November 9, 2018 By Tony Holtz
Considerations for designing living hinges in 3D-printed parts while maintaining part integrity.
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