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AS9100 Certification Shows That Aerospace Suppliers Are Fit to Fly

Posted On March 21, 2018 By China Metal Parts
AS9100 certification plays key quality role in assuring aerospace companies that suppliers meet industry standards.
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3D Printing Helps Keep Aerospace Industry Aloft

Posted On February 19, 2018 By China Metal Parts
As more innovations emerge in 3D printing, the additive manufacturing technology is playing a greater role in the aerospace industry.
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Why Your Parts Supplier Should be ISO 9001 Certified

Posted On February 15, 2018 By China Metal Parts
Companies seek ISO-certified suppliers for assurances that those suppliers meet accepted standards.
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Ask an Engineer: 3D Printing Metal Parts

Posted On February 13, 2018 By China Metal Parts
Several tips on the direct metal laser sintering process, including how to design hollow parts, determine part orientation, and reduce internal stresses with heat relief.
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Welcome to the All-New China Metal Parts!

Posted On February 9, 2018 By China Metal Parts
We have some exciting news! Starting today, when you come across us online or in person, we’ll look a bit different.
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Going to a Trade Show? Plan Ahead to Make the Most of Your Visit

Posted On January 15, 2018 By China Metal Parts
Keep in mind a few tips from China Metal Parts for making the most of your next visit to a trade show or conference.
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Take a Tour of the New China Metal Parts Website

Posted On January 1, 2018 By China Metal Parts
Take a video tour of the new China Metal Parts website and see what manufacturing resources are at your disposal.
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Manufacturing Flexibility Equals More Holiday Revenues

Posted On December 21, 2017 By China Metal Parts
Maximizing revenues around the year-end holiday season requires a mix of art and science, but in recent years the equation is shifting towards the science side.
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Designers Pack Sleep-Lab Technology into a Wearable Device

Posted On December 1, 2017 By China Metal Parts
Chris Crowley explains the development process of EverSleep—a wearable device that helps users improve sleep quality.
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What Makes a Good Cool Idea Award Application

Posted On November 21, 2017 By China Metal Parts
Get the inside scoop on what makes a Cool Idea Award application stand out from the rest of the pack.
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