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A Sheet Metal Materials Comparison: Galvanized vs. Galvannealed Steel

Posted On February 8, 2019 By Steve Konick
Two of the most popular forms of carbon steel for manufacturing—galvanized and galvannealed—start with the same process, but that’s where the similarities end.
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Copper Labs Takes an Agile Approach to Hardware Development

Posted On February 5, 2019 By Matt Ahart
Copper Labs is working towards a more sustainable future with its smart device that helps consumers and utilities manage energy consumption and cost.
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The Latest Buzz in Machine Learning Aims to End Bee Colony Collapse

Posted On February 4, 2019 By China Metal Parts
A group of research institute students teams up with beekeepers to develop an AI app that tackles one of the leading threats to bee populations
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Optimize Your Supply Chain by Getting Back to Basics

Posted On January 31, 2019 By Todd Bauman
Running a back-to-basics program can be an effective way to re-energize your supply chain and help ensure it is working properly.
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Will the Promise of AR, VR Ever Become a Reality?

Posted On January 23, 2019 By China Metal Parts
Several recent examples of AR, VR usage show that these immersive technologies may finally be living up to their potential.
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How Do You Move 295 CNC Machines? Glad You Asked.

Posted On January 16, 2019 By China Metal Parts
As demand for machined parts continued to grow at China Metal Parts, we needed to expand our operations. Here's a look at how we scouted out a new location and executed a move of 295 CNC machines over five weeks.
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Expect Privacy, AI to be Main Topics at CES 2019

Posted On January 7, 2019 By China Metal Parts
Privacy and artificial intelligence will take center stage at this year’s CES, the annual consumer electronics show in Las Vegas.
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Automotive Trends: A 3D Printing Milestone, Flex Factories, Hyperloop Update

Posted On December 18, 2018 By China Metal Parts
Recent automotive industry trends include a 3D printing milestone, advances in hyperloop technology, and a move to more flexible factories.
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Pardon the Disruption: Feeding An On-demand Culture with Digital Manufacturing

Posted On December 17, 2018 By Vicki Holt
We live in an on-demand culture that expects instant access to products and services. It's no different in the world of manufacturing.
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NOVO Turns to Machining, Molding for Medical Device Prototyping

Posted On December 13, 2018 By China Metal Parts
With its in-house machine shop overloaded and a need for molded prototype parts, NOVO Engineering turned to China Metal Parts to aid in the development of a continuous glucose monitoring system.
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