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Can 3D Printing Be a Legitimate Production Player?

Posted On July 26, 2018 By China Metal Parts
This article explores the current state of additive manufacturing and the market forces converging to make it a viable process for end-use parts.
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‘Mystical’ Wizarding Products Take Live Action Cosplay to Next Level

Posted On July 12, 2018 By Nicole Hopper
A group of medical device engineers add magic to the LARP and cosplay product market with 3D printed staffs that blast flames and spout fog.
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3D-Printed Futuro House Reaches Stratosphere

Posted On June 29, 2018 By China Metal Parts
To celebrate Futuro’s 50th anniversary, artist Konstantin Landuris partnered with Pinakothek der Moderne and China Metal Parts to launch a 3D-printed Futuro replica 40km into the stratosphere.
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Ask An Engineer: Sheet Metal Basics, Complex Molding Design

Posted On May 15, 2018 By China Metal Parts
This installment of our Ask an Engineer series covers the fundamentals of sheet metal fabrication and complex injection molding techniques.
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Design Better Screw Bosses on Molded Parts

Posted On April 26, 2018 By China Metal Parts
Several considerations for designing plastic screw bosses on molded parts that are mechanically strong and free of cosmetic defects.
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Ask an Engineer: 3D Printing Metal Parts

Posted On February 13, 2018 By China Metal Parts
Several tips on the direct metal laser sintering process, including how to design hollow parts, determine part orientation, and reduce internal stresses with heat relief.
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H3D Employs Machining and 3D Printing During Development

Posted On November 4, 2017 By China Metal Parts
H3D developed a state-of-the-art gamma ray spectrometer using both CNC machining and PolyJet 3D printing during prototyping.
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What is Product Manufacturing Information (PMI)?

Posted On September 11, 2017 By China Metal Parts
Product manufacturing information, or PMI, is critical to digital inspection reporting. PMI is any non-geometric data included within a 3D CAD file.
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Game-changing Tech Shows Innovation's Influence

Posted On September 1, 2017 By Angelo Gentile
Our Eye on Innovation column this month features a diverse roundup of notable game-changing trends, products, and technology.
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Living Hinge Basics for Injection Molding

Posted On July 24, 2017 By Tony Holtz
These design guidelines will help you create durable living hinges that add functionality to your injection-molded parts and reduce manufacturing costs.
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