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Molding Quality Parts with Automated Design Analysis

Posted On September 17, 2018 By China Metal Parts
Get tips on how to leverage design for manufacturability feedback to improve injection molding designs.
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Part III: How Digitalization Ensures Quality in Manufacturing – Inspections and Continuous Improvement

Posted On July 25, 2018 By Kevin Ashton
Ensuring quality is a fundamental component at China Metal Parts, and this component can be found throughout the entire manufacturing process.
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Approved Molding Samples and Our Red Bag Process

Posted On June 20, 2018 By Matt Ahart
China Metal Parts has several molding process controls in place to ensure molded parts are consistent from run to run and meet our customers’ specifications.
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Manufacturing Workmanship Standards: Amount of Flash Acceptable at Parting Lines

Posted On February 28, 2018 By Matt Ahart
Why flash forms along parting lines and our workmanship standards when assessing flash on injection-molded parts.
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Part I: How Digitalization Ensures Quality in Manufacturing – Pre-Production

Posted On November 3, 2017 By Kevin Ashton
Quality controls at China Metal Parts include rigorous quality certifications and a dedication to quality initiatives throughout the manufacturing process.
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Part II: How Digitalization Ensures Quality in Manufacturing – Production

Posted On November 2, 2017 By Kevin Ashton
China Metal Parts takes several steps during production to maintain traceability, achieve on-time delivery, and produce parts that meet our customers' requirements.
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